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The Startup Secret Sauce

1. Gather all the problems to solve

Go broad and find all the problems your customer segment faces, through qualitative interviews and research.

2. Stack rank problems

Measure what matters most by running quantitative analysis via expertly designed stack stacking surveys.

3. Focus on top 1-3 problems

Go deep and learn precisely how the top problems-to-solve affect your customer segment.

4. Craft value proposition

Craft your value proposition, messaging and positioning, using the problem hierarchy from previous research.

5. Test, iterate, test...

Test your message across various channels. Gather live feedback as you go. Iterate, test, iterate, test…


15+ years experience building and launching startups


Robbie Maltby
Founder & Full Stack Marketer


Leads Generated


Funds Raised


Startups Launched

"Robbie is rare because he’s both an ideas guy and exceptional executor, so can take a project right from the beginning to completion."

Laura Douglas
CEO at myLevels

A Strategic Partner

Strategies and tactics continuously honed from 15+ years experience working with bootstrapped startups to $billion NASDAQ listed companies.

Market Research

Broad and narrow discovery techniques leveraging industry-leading qualitative and qualitative methods.


Growth Marketing

Deep expertise finding and acting on opportunity signals across ads, web, email, and social.


Product Marketing

Delivering hyper-personalised messages for each use case across all channels.


Brand Marketing

Ensuring coherent and consistent brand governance, identity, and distribution.



The packages below can be customised after an initial consultation.


£10,000* Fixed
-15% when paid in BTC (₿)

  • Qualitative Research (Internal & External)

  • Quantitative Customer Problem Prioritisation

  • Value Proposition Design & Product Positioning

  • Customer Segmentation & Messaging Hierarchy

  • 4-6 Week Turnaround

  • Ideal for startups at ideation or validation stage


£15,000* Fixed
-15% when paid in BTC (₿)

  • Name and Logo Design

  • Landing Page Design, Build and Hosting

  • CRM & Lead Capture

  • Email Journeys: Relationship Building Series, Story-Powered Promo, Abandoned Cart.

  • 1 x Ad/Social Channel, 3 x Campaigns, 12 x Creative Assets

  • 6-8 Week Turnaround

  • Ideal for startups with a validated product idea and messaging


£25,000* Fixed + 7% c/fund fee
-15% when paid in BTC (₿)

  • Pitch Deck & Business Financials

  • Product Video (1-2 mins)

  • Crowdfunding Campaign Management e.g. Seedrs, Crowdcube

  • Product Launch Email Series

  • 1 x Ad/Social Channel, 3 x Campaigns, 12 x Creative Assets

  • 2 x Press Releases

  • 8-12 Week Turnaround

  • Ideal for startups with an existing subscriber list/waitlist, or existing customers

*does not include research participant recruitment/incentive costs, or ad spend

Frequently Asked Questions

Alright, but what exactly do you do?

As a start-up growth agency we help you discover then test your message with different customer segments, acquire those customers, then scale up. We provide all the tools and resources necessary so you can focus on what you do best.

I don't need help discovering/testing messages or scaling. I just need someone to deliver work? Can we still work together?

We hope so! If you've got all your ducks in a row already, and just need a team to execute a plan, we will happily comply.

Are your rates competitive?

Our rates are fair. Good work comes at a price and while we're not going to gouge you for profit, we do believe in fairly compensating all our stakeholders. We price our projects accordingly - see the example packages above.

Do the packages lead from one to the next?

Yes, depending on what stage you're at, we would deliver all packages in sequence: Discover > Launch > Fund. In this case, we may be able to provide a discount. Schedule a consultation for more info.


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© 2024 Northbound Digital LTD. We use Fathom: cookie-free and GDPR compliant website analytics. Read Privacy Policy.